Vi har fået en invitation til Pompano Park Florida i marts måned næste år. SE NEDENSTÅENDE.


Det er amatørenes hovedorganisation i Europa, F.E.G.A.T, som står for udvælgesen af hvilke 9 landes kuske der skal afsted.


Som det kan ses i nedenstående, så giver værtslandet overnatning og tilskud til leje af bil.


I FDT er vi blevet enige om at give et tilskud til rejsen på 2.500kr, resten må deltageren selv betale.


Blandt de danske tilmeldte er det FDT, der står for udvælgesen. Hvordan besluttes efter tilmeldingen.


Vi er i gang med at undersøge, hvad det evt.vil koste for, at have påhæng med på turen. SE på FDTs hjemmeside, hvor vi skriver det, så snart vi ved det.


HURTIG tilmelding, senest TORSDAG den 10.SEPTEMBER, da FEGAT skal have svar inden den 15/9 2015.


Hilsen FDT

Dear FEGAT members!


FEGAT has received a most generous invitation to race in Pompano Park, Florida. The time foreseen is arrival March 11th and racing12th and 13th 2016 (anyway it will be a week-end in March).


The Florida Amateur Driving Club (below FADC) will pay for 3 hotell nights and USD 100 for 3 days car rental. You can of course prolong your visit on your own expence! The trip to Florida from your home country has to be paid by you yourself or your club. If you will arrive with more than one participant, the cost for exceeding persons must be paid by you/your club in full.


On top of these generous invitation FADC will donate the sums of USD 3000, 1500 and 750 to charity choosen by the winning nation !


FADC invites 9 drivers from FEGAT – so as you can understand not every member country can be represented. Also a driver interested to go must have no less than 15 wins and of course be a good representative for our harness racing sport!


If you have an interested driver in your club – please send in name, age, number of races driven and number of wins directly to me. In order to give an answer as soon as possible I want you to answer me NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 15th!


If more than 9 members nominates a driver the FEGAT board will take the decision who will represent.

